
Contoh Dialog Expressing Sorrow, Love, Embarrassment, Annoyed and Anger

Dialogue Of Expressing Sorrow

"Fathur had an accident yesterday. Fathur now in hospital. His friends come to see fathur, then they met fathur’s father."

Nikmal : Assalamu’alaikum. We are fathur’s friend. We come here to see fathur.
Kabir : Wa’alaikum salam. Oh yea ? hmmm. I’m glad to come here.
Najmi : We are so sorry to hear that your son had been an accident  yesterday.
Atta : We know how it feels.
Kabir : Thank you for your simpathy. How you know about fathur’s condition ?
Zaki : We know he had an accident from his sister via BBM.
Kabir : Owwh, I just know it. By the way, you can see fathur in room Melati at second floor.
Najmi : Thank’s. We hope fathur can recover quickly.
Kabir : Thank’s kids.

"In the fathur’s room."

Nikmal : Assalamu’alaikum.
Fathur : Wa’alaikum salam.
Zaki : How are you fathur ?
Fathur : I’m so sad guys.
Atta : Why you have an accident yesterday ?
Fathur : I’m so confused about something. So, I can’t consentrated drive my car. And then my car was bumped the crossroad.
Najmi : Why did you so confuse ?
Fathur : I have any problem with my girlfriend.
Nikmal : What’s happened ?
Fathur : she made me broken heart.
Zaki : hmmmmmmmm, wwaaaaaaaaaaahhh. Don’t thinking about that. Forget your exgirlfriend.
Atta : Okay, we must go on now. Get well soon yeah fathur. See you.
Fathur : Okay friends. Thank very much for our attention to me.
All : All right bro !!!

Dialogue Of Expressing Love

Ahmad : Assalamu’alaikum.
All : Wa’alaikumussalam.
Najmi : Hay B (Ahmad), why do You look so sad ?
Atta : Hmmm, are you fine ?
Zaki : Ahh, his face is always sad as it.
Ahmad : I’m upset.
Atta : Why ?
Ahmad : I want to ecpress my love to someone, but I’m not sure if She likes me.
Nikmal : Hey B, don’t hestitate to try something that you haven’t.
Najmi     : Yeah B, You must try. Trust me, it works.
Ahmad : How can I talk her about my feling ?
Zaki     : You can, You are handsome B. I personally believe that She also has the same feeling as you.
Nikmal : You must b confidence.
Atta     : Yeah, We will help you. Is it right guys ?
All     : Yose !
Ahmad : Ok. Thanks. I will come to her.

"And then, Mr. B (Ahmad) comes to Carla (Fathur). And He talk about his feeling to Carla."

Ahmad : Carla, I want to say something to you about my feeling.
Fathur  : What do you mean ?
Ahmad : I love you Carla !
Fathur  : Hah, what ? Are you seriously ? You have never done yet.
Ahmad : Yes, I’m serious. I love you since the first time we met.
Fathur  : But, We are friend B.
Ahmad : Yes, I know. But I could not help my self.    
Fathur  : Ok, I’m understand. Actually, I do too. I also have the same feeling as you.
Ahmad : Ha ! Do you love me too ?
Fathur  : Yes, I love you B.
Ahmad : Oh Carla, do you want to be my girlfriend ?
Fathur  : Yes, eith pleasure.
Ahmad : Yeeeeeeeeee !!!

Contoh Dialog Expressing Sorrow, Love, Embarrassment, Annoyed and Anger

Dialogue of Expressing Embarrassment

"The first day of school after the long holidays. Ata, Fatur, Najmi, Nikmal, and Zaki talking in their class."

NIkmal : Hey guys, how are you ?
All          : Fine, and you ?
Nikmal : Very good. By the way, why Kabir not attend today ?
Zaki      : Maybe, he is still sleeping.
All          : Haahhahaha
Ata        : Maybe he is sick.
Najmi    : Hmmm, yelaa yelaa.
Fatur    : Guys, sorry. I must go to the canteen now.
Ata        : Why ?
Fatur    : My girlfriend is already waiting there. She wanted to give me something.
Zaki      : Oh, so sweet. Good luck, friend.
Fatur    : Ok, thank for your support.
Ata        : Hey Najmi, why are you silent all these day ?
Najmi    : I’m just sleepy.
Ata        : Oh, yeah.

"Kabir was arrived at school."

Zaki      : Hi, why do you come late ?
Kabir    : Because I ride a bus that runs very slow.
Najmi    : Hah, bus ? Where your motorcycle ?
Kabir    : My motorcycle stolen yesterday while I was accompanying my mother shopped at the market.
Ata        : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Be patient.
Kabir    : Thanks. But I’m very sad because it was a gift from my father that have died. Yesterday is a very unlucky day for me. I was very embarrassed.
Najmi    : Don’t be sad!
Zaki      : This all must be a silver lining.
Nikmal : As the saying goes, exhausted Darkness to Light.
Kabir    : Yes, thanks you for all your attention to me.
All          : Yoseee.

Dialogue of Expressing Annoyed

Atta : Hay, nikmal !! can I borrow your pen??
Nikmal : I am sorry a, I just have one.
Atta : Hhmm....... can I borrow your eraser zaki ??
Zaki : I don’t have. Please don’t invited talk with me for a minute. I am must study.
Atta : Wait a minute. Are you sure??I was saw you use your eraser yesterday.
Zaki : Iam sure. My eraser was lost.
Atta : Hey, don’t be lie!! We are classmate.
Z&N : We don’t care if you not believe me.
Atta : You are stingy!!
Najmi : Hey hey,what happen?
Kabir : They're having a bit of trouble?
Fatur : First you do not disturb najmi
Kabir : Heyyy? chill out!!!
Zaki & N : Up to you. NOW please don’t disturb us ! You know, after themath class that biology test.
Najmi : Yup, I know that.
Kabir : So, why you not study najmi??
Najmi : Hey? I has  study last night in my home. Not like you, you are lazy student. Who study to biology test in the school.
kabir : Hey, keep your mouth!!
Fatur : Hey hey, why these guys?
kabir : I am fed up with this trouble
nikmal : Okay fine.
Fatur : On everything from getting messed up, let's learn together alone.
Nikmal : It’s good idea.

Dialogue Of Expressing Anger

Najmi : Assalamu’alaikum.
All : Wa’alaikum salam.
Najmi : How are you?
All : Well, fine.
Najmi : Hem... it look like not all of you present today?
Fathur : Yes, It look like.
Najmi : Who ever is not here?
Fathur : Kabir sir. He doesn’t come yet.
Najmi : Well, Is he the only one is not here ?
Fathur : Of course.
Najmi : Do you know, The next match will be happened. When our team vs Beurawee FC, but how one of your friend doesn’t attend the practice.
Nikmal : Okay. It doesn’t matter now our team. Focus to the match, maybe for a few minutes Kabir recently comes directly.
Najmi : Yes, All right. Now we start our play. You, Nikmal as a Leader.
Nikmal : Yes I’m.

"Then a five minutes later..."

Nikmal : What is your idea now because Kabir doesn’t comes yet ?
Atta : Okay, their play will start. Although Kabir doesn’t allow the practice. The practice is so important other wise. We really focus to the play.
Zaki : He rarely attend the practice. It means we come not prepare for the best play.
Najmi : Now, Who knows Kabir’s house?
Atta : I know his house recently sir. He rarely comes to the play.
Najmi : Does he do something else ?
Atta : I don’t know.
Zaki : How if we call him, sir ?
Najmi : Well Zaki, Hand me your handphones !
Zaki : Yes sir.

"Coach Najmi call Kabir with Zaki’s handphone."

Najmi : Hello Kabir!
Kabir : Yes sir.
Najmi : Why do you often absent in the practice ?
Kabir : Sorry sir, I’m often sleepy after go to school. So I late to go practice.
Najmi : Ok, I stop phone now. I don’t want to make a promise with lazy player anymore. Stop!!! Okay ?
Kabir : Oh no... Forgive me sir! Give me a chance!
Najmi : No. I’m very angry with you. So, you haven’t a chance to play again with my team. Fix!!!!!!!!!!

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